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This documentation has four parts:

🔮 Future documentation:

This document is still being written. Paragraphs marked 🔮 represent future features of Alma that are planned but not yet implemented.

Language guide

Getting started

Installation (with zef)

If you're just planning to be an Alma end user, zef is the recommended way to install Alma:

zef install alma

In order to get the zef installer, you first need Rakudo. Instructions for how to install zef itself can be found in the zef README.

💡 Using zef

At any later point, you can use zef upgrade to get an up-to-date Alma, or zef uninstall to remove Alma from your system.

Installation (from source)

Make sure you have Rakudo installed and in your path.

Then, clone the Alma repository. (This step requires Git. There's also a zip file.)

$ git clone

Finally, we need to set an environment variable PERL6LIB:

$ cd alma
$ export PERL6LIB=$(pwd)/lib


PERL6LIB is used to tell Rakudo Raku which paths to look in whenever it sees a use module import in a program. Since bin/alma imports some Alma-specific modules, which in turn import other modules, we need to set this environment variable.

Running Alma

Now this should work:

$ bin/alma -e='say("OH HAI")'

$ bin/alma examples/format.alma

Variables and values

Variables are declared with my. You can read out their values in an ordinary expression, and you can assign to them.

my name = "James";
say("My name is ", name);      # "My name is James"
name = "Mr. Smith";
say("Now my name is ", name);  # "Now my name is Mr. Smith"

💡 Lexical scope

Variables are lexically scoped. You can only use/see the variable in the scope it was declared, after it's been declared.

# can't use x
    # can't use x
    my x = "yay!";
    # can use x \o/
# can't use x

You don't even need to run the program to find out if the use of a variable is out-of-scope or not. You can just find out from the program text (and so can the compiler). We say that variable binding is static.

That's all there is to variables; they are meant to be predictable and straightforward. Later, when writing macros has richer demands on variables, Alma's location protocol will allow us to manipulate variables more finely, controlling exactly when to read and/or assign to them.

In Alma, these "scalar value" types are built in:

none          None
false         Bool
42            Int
"Bond"        Str

And these "container" types:

[1, 2]        Array
{ "n": 42 }   Dict

Operators and expressions

Gramatically, an Alma expression always looks like this:

expr := <termish> +% <infix>
termish := <prefix>* <term> <postfix>*

Unpacking what this means, a term may be preceded by prefix operators, and succeeded by postfix operators. (The combination of prefixes-term-postfixes is referred to as a termish.) Several termishes can occur in a row, separated by infix operators.

You can have whitespace before or after terms and operators, and it largely doesn't change the meaning of the program. The recommended style is to use whitespace around infixes, but not after prefixes or before postfixes.

Alma has 28 built-in operators. Here we describe them by group. (These are just short descriptions. For more detail, see each individual operator in the API docs.)

Assignment. The x = 42 expression assigns the value 42 to the variable x.

Arithmetic. The infix operators + - * div % work as you'd expect. (The div operator does integer division, truncating the result so that 5 div 2 == 2. This is the reason it isn't spelled /.) %% tests for divisibility, so it returns true whenever % returns 0. divmod does an integer division resulting in a 2-element array [q, r] where q is the quotient and r is the reminder.

String building. You can concatenate strings with ~. (To concatenate arrays, use the Array method .concat.)

Equality, comparison and matching. The operators == and != checks whether values are equal or unequal. < <= > >= compare ordered types like integers or strings. ~~ !~~ match a value against a type.

Logical connectives. The infixes || and && allow you to combine boolean (or really, any) values. Furthermore, // allows you to replace none values with a default. (All of these operators are short-circuiting. See the individual operators for more information.)

Postfixes. The postfixes are [] for indexing, () for calls, and . for property lookup.

Conversion prefixes. The prefixes + - convert to integers, ~ converts to a string, and ? ! convert to booleans. The prefix ^ turns an integer n into an array [0, 1, 2, .., n - 1].

Each operator has a built-in precedence which governs the order in which the operators are evaluated. This can be more clearly seen by pretending that the parser groups subexpressions by inserting parentheses around the tighter operators:

1 + 2 * 3         becomes         1 + (2 * 3)
1 * 2 + 3         becomes         (1 * 2) + 3
x || y && z       becomes         x || (y && z)
x && y || z       becomes         (x && y) || z

In general, the precedence of an operator is set so as to minimize the use for explicit parentheses. For example, * binds tighter than + because in mathematical expressions terms conventionally consist of one or more factors.

The built-in operators are grouped into precedence levels as follows — tightest operators at the top, loosest at the bottom.

Precedence level Assoc Category Operators
(tightest) left postfix [] () .
left prefix + - ~ ? ! ^
Multiplicative left infix * % %% divmod
Additive left infix + -
Concatenation left infix ~
Comparison left infix == != < <= > >= ~~ !~~
Conjuctive left infix &&
Disjunctive left infix || //
Assignment (loosest) right infix =

Alma's precedence rules are a bit simpler than Raku's. In Alma, the prefixes and postfixes have to bind tighter than the infixes.

The table also shows the associativity of the different precedence levels. (Also unlike Raku, associativity belongs to the precedence level, not to individual operators.) Associativity makes sure to (conceptually) insert parentheses in a certain way for operators on the same level:

1 + 2 - 3 + 4          becomes        ((1 + 2) - 3) + 4    (associating to the left)
x || y // z            becomes        (x || y) // z        (associating to the left)
a = b = c = 0          becomes        a = (b = (c = 0))    (associating to the right)

Besides the built-in operators, you can also extend the Alma grammar by writing your own custom operators.

Control flow


Sequencing happens just by writing statements after each other.

A statement can be terminated by a semicolon (;). The semicolon is mandatory when you have other statements coming after it, regardless of the statements being on the same line or separated by a newline character. When a statement ends in a closing curly brace (}), you can omit the semicolon as long as you have a newline character instead.

func f1() {
}                               # OK
func f2() {};   say("hi!")      # OK
func f3() {}    say("oh noes")  # not ok

Block statements

Alma has if statements, while loops and for loops by default. This example probably won't look too surprising to anyone who has seen C-like syntax before:

my array = [5, func() { say("OH HAI") }, none];
for array -> e {
    if e ~~ Int {
        while e > 0 {
            say("Counting down: ", e);
            e = e - 1;
    else if e ~~ Func {
    else {
        say("Unknown value: ", e);

The normal block statements all require blocks with curly braces ({}) — there's no blockless form. Unlike C/Java/JavaScript/C# but like Python, parentheses (()) are optional around expressions after if, for and while.

The if and while statements evaluate their expression and runs their block if the resulting value is true, possibly after coercing to Bool. (We sometimes refer to a value that is true when coerced to Bool as truthy, and the other values as falsy.) Several other mechanisms in Alma, such as && and the .filter method, accept these "generalized Bool values".

The optional -> e syntax is a block parameter, and is a way to pass each element as a lexical variable into the block. Although the most natural fit is a for loop, it also works consistently for while loops and if statements (including the else if and else blocks). All these blocks accept at most one parameter.

Exceptional control flow

🔮 Future feature: next and last

Inside a loop of any kind, it's possible to write a next statement to transfer immediately to the next iteration, or a last statement to terminate the loop immediately.

In the next section we'll see return breaking out of a function or macro.

There's also throw statement.

Custom statement types

Alma allows you to add new statement forms for control flow if you want to — the three statements above are very common but don't form a closed set. For more information on how to do this, see the section interacting with control flow.


Functions take parameters, can be called, and return a value. Definitions and calls look like this:

func add(n1, n2) {
    return n1 + n2;

say("3 + 4 = ", add(3, 4));

The return statement immediately returns out of a function, optionally with a value. If no value is supplied (as in return;), the value none is returned. Implicit returns are OK too; the statement in the add function above could have been written as just n1 + n2; because it's last in the function.

When defined using a function statement, it's also allowed to call the function before its definition. (This is not true for any other type of defined thing in Alma.)

whoa();     # Amazingly, this works!

func whoa() {
    say("Amazingly, this works!");

All references to undeclared variables are postponed until CHECK time (after parsing the program), and an error message about the identifier not being found is issued only if it hasn't since been declared as a function.

There's also a way to declare functions as terms, and they work just the same:

my id = func(x) { x };
say(id("OH HAI"));      # OH HAI

Note that this form does not have the above advantage of being able to be used before its definition — the declaration in this case is a normal lexical variable.

Unlike in Raku (but like Python), a function call must have the parentheses. You can write say(42); in Alma, but not say 42; — the latter is a parse error and counts as Two Terms In A Row.

Arguments and parameters

When declaring a function, we talk about function parameters. A parameter is a kind of variable scoped to the function.

func goodnight(name) {
    say("Goodnight ", name);

When calling a function, we instead talk about arguments. Arguments are expressions that we pass in with the function call.


As the function call happens, all the arguments are evaluated, and their resulting values are bound to the parameters. It's a (runtime) error for the number of arguments to differ from the number of parameters.

🔮 Future feature: static checking

In the cases where the function definition is known/visible from the callsite, we could even give this error at compile time (like Raku but unlike Python or Perl 5). Flagging up the error during compilation makes sense, since the call would definitely fail at runtime anyway.

🔮 Future feature: optional parameter and parameter defaults

Alma will at some point incorporate optional parameters and parameter default values into the language. (These are already supported in some of the built-ins, albeit still inaccessible to the user.) The number of arguments can of course go as low as the number of non-optional parameters. Non-optional parameters can only occur before optional ones.

🔮 Future feature: rest parameters and spread arguments

The syntax ... will at some point work to denote a rest parameter (which accepts any remaining arguments into an array), and a spread argument (which turns an array of N arguments into N actual arguments). In the presence of a rest parameter, the number of arguments accepted is of course unbounded.

🔮 Future feature: named arguments

Borrowing from Python, it will at some point be possible to specify arguments by name; the above call would for example be written as goodnight(name="moon"). Whereas normal ("positional") arguments have to be written in an order matching the parameters, named arguments can be written in any desired order, and will still match their corresponding parameters based on the name.

It's as yet unclear whether there will be a rest parameter syntax for named arguments (allowing named arguments without a corresponding parameter to be slurped up into a dict.)


At any point in a running program, the runtime is in a given environment, which is all the declared names and their values that can be looked up from that point.

If you return a function from a certain environment, the function will physically leave that environment but still be able to find all its names.

func goodnight(name) {
    my fn = func() { say("Goodnight ", name) };
    return fn;

my names = ["room", "moon", "cow jumping over the moon"];
my fns =;      # an array of 3 functions
for fns -> fn {
    fn();       # Goodnight room, Goodnight moon, Goodnight cow jumping over the moon

This effect is referred to as the functions "closing over" their current environment. In the case above, the 3 function values in fns close over the name parameter. Such functions are often referred to as closures. If we were to look at a snapshot of memory at that point, we would see three different fn function values, each one holding onto a name variable with a different string value in it.

Technically it's extremely easy for a function to be a closure, since both built-in functions like say and (as we will see) built-in operators like ~ come from the lexical environment. In practice the term is reserved to the narrower use of closing over a relatively local variable (like name).

A function closing over some variable is similar in spirit to an object having a private property. In fact, from a certain point of view closures and objects are equivalent.


Builtins are functions that are available by default in the language, without the need to import them.

By far the most common builtin is say, a function for printing things.

say();                          # empty line
say("OH HAI");
say("The answer is: ", answer);

For reading input, there's prompt:

my answer = prompt("Rock, paper, or scissors? ");

The third important builtin allows you to get the type of a value:

type(42);           # <type Int>
type("hi");         # <type Str>
type(prompt);       # <type Func>
type(Bool);         # <type Type>

The biggest use for the type builtin is for printing the type of something during debugging. If you want to test for the type of a value in a program, you probably shouldn't test type(value) == Array but instead use the smartmatching operator: value ~~ Array.

Technically, all the operators and types available by default in Alma are also builtins.

Classes and objects

🔮 Future feature: classes

The implementation of classes has started behind a feature flag, but mostly, classes are not implemented yet in Alma.

You can declare classes in Alma.

class Color {
    has red;
    has green;
    has blue;

    constructor(red, green, blue) { = red; = green; = blue;

    method show() {
        format("rgb({}, {}, {})",,,;

As you can see, classes in Alma look like in most other languages. They can have fields, a constructor, and methods. Fields can optionally have initializers, expressions that evaluate before the constructor runs.

has red = 0;

The special name self is automatically available in initializers, the constructor, and methods.

The annotations @get and @set can optionally be used to adorn field declarations. @get makes a field accessible from outside an object as a property, and not just on self. @set makes a field writable in situations outside initializers and the constructor. The combination @get @set makes the field writable from the outside.

Classes can inherit, using the extends keyword:

class AlphaColor extends Color {
    has alpha;

All the public fields and methods from the base class are also available on the extending class. If a field or method has the same name as in a base class, then it will override and effectively hide the field or method in the base class. Alma stops short of having a super mechanism to call overridden methods or constructors.

Class declarations are slangs in Alma, so the above desugars to something very much like this:

BEGIN my Color = Type(
    name: "Color",
    fields: [{ name: "red" }, { name: "green" }, { name: "blue" }],
    constructor: func(self, red, green, blue) { ... },
    methods: {
        show(self) { ... },

BEGIN my AlphaColor = Type(
    name: "AlphaColor",
    extends: Color,
    fields: [{ name: "alpha" }],

(Note how self has been made an explicit parameter along the way.)

None, Int, Str, Bool, Array, Dict, Regex, Symbol, and Type are all built-in types in Alma. Besides that, there are all the types in the Q hierarchy, used to reasoning about program structure. There are also a number of exception types, under the X hierarchy.

Here's an example involving a custom Range class, which we'll use later to also declare custom range operators:

class Range {
    @get has min;
    @get has max;

    constructor(min, max) {
        self.min = min;
        self.max = max;

    method iterator() {
        return Range.Iterator(self);

    class Iterator {
        has range;
        @set has currentValue;

        constructor(range) {
            self.range = range;
            self.currentValue = range.min;

        method next() {
            if self.currentValue > self.range.max {
                throw StopIteration();
            my value = self.currentValue;
            self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1;
            return value;

Note that the name of the inner class is Range.Iterator, not Iterator. The same class can also be declared on the outside of the class Range: class Range.Iterator. Only if we declare it nested inside Range do we skip the full name.

🔮 Future feature: generator functions

Using generator functions, we could skip writing the Range.Iterator class, and write the iterator method like this:

method iterator() {
    return func*() {
        my currentValue = self.min;
        while currentValue <= self.max {
            yield currentValue;
            currentValue = currentValue + 1;

Custom operators

Alma is built to give the programmer the power to add to and modify the language, to the point where everything in the language could have been added by the programmer. Macros are the prime example, but custom operators qualify too. This chapter is the longest in the guide so far; the reason is that whenever you get into the game of extending the language itself, you're technically a language designer, and potentially you have to worry about some things a language designer has to worry about.

Besides the built-in operators, you can supply your own operators. Here, for example, is an implementation of a factorial operator:

func postfix:<!>(N) {
    my product = 1;
    my n = 2;
    while n <= N {
        product = product * n;
        n = n + 1;
    return product;

say(5!);                # 120
say(postfix:<!>(5));    # 120

Operators are special in that they install themselves both as specially named functions, but also as syntax — writing 5! in an Alma program doesn't work normally, but it does after you've defined postfix:<!>.

Just like with ordinary identifiers, they go out of scope at the end of the block where they were defined. Like with other functions, you can call them before their definition, but you can not use the operator syntax before the definition (because the parser only does one pass, and adds the operator when it's defined).

🔮 Future feature: reduction metaoperator

Using the reduction metaoperator, argument spread, and a range operator, we can implement postfix:<!> much more succinctly:

func postfix:<!>(N) { [*](...(2..N)) }

Built-in operators are built-in functions

Now that the truth is out about user-defined operators being fairly normal functions, it's time for another bombshell: built-in operators are normal functions too! These are two equivalent ways to add two numbers in Alma:

3 + 4;              # 7
infix:<+>(3, 4);    # 7

The function infix:<+> is defined among the built-ins, together with say and some other functions.

Operator categories

The thing before the colon is called a category. For Alma operators, there are three categories:

prefix:<!>            !x
infix:<!>           x ! y
postfix:<!>          x!

(There are also other categories for non-operator things.)

Prefix and postfix operators are defined as unary functions taking one parameter. Infix operators are defined as binary functions taking two parameters.

Since we'll be defining a number of operators, it might be good to know that lhs and rhs are common parameter neames to infix operators. They stand for "left-hand side" and "right-hand side", respectively. There's no corresponding established naming convention for prefix and postfix operators.


It's possible for operator functions to be recursive, so we can actually write the factorial in a slightly shorter way:

func postfix:<!>(N) {
    if N < 2 {
        return 1;
    else {
        return N * (N-1)!;

🔮 Future feature: ternary operator

With the ternary operator macro imported, the solution becomes downright cute:

func postfix:<!>(N) { N < 2 ?? 1 !! N * (N-1)! }

Infix precedence and associativity

When you define an operator, you can also provide information about its precedence and associativity. (For an introduction to those concepts, see built-in operators.) Here is an implementation of a right-associative cons operator:

func infix:<::>(lhs, rhs) is tighter(infix:<==>) is assoc("right") {
    return [lhs, rhs];

The traits is looser(op) and is tighter(op) both create a new precedence level, just next to the one of the specified operator. The trait is equal(op) adds to the precedence level of an existing operator. If you don't specify either of these, your newly defined operator will be on its own maximally tight precedence level. (This is what happened with postfix:<!> above.)

The is assoc trait has the allowed values "left", "right", and "non". The "left" and "right" values determine how the syntax tree will group things when several operators of the exact same precedence follow one another:

x ! y ! z               (x ! y) ! z         left associativity
x ! y ! z               x ! (y ! z)         right associativity

With the "non" value, it's illegal for two operators on the same level to occur next to each other without being parenthesized. Here is an example:

func infix:<^_^>(lhs, rhs) is assoc("non") {

2 ^_^ 3 ^_^ 4;          # parse error: "operator is nonassociative"

Prefix/postfix precedence and associativity

A postfix and a prefix can share a precedence level, and if it comes down to one being evaluated first or the other, associativity comes into play. This pair of operators associates to the left:

func prefix:<?>(term) is assoc("left") {
    return "prefix:<?>(" ~ term ~ ")";

func postfix:<!>(term) is equal(prefix:<?>) is assoc("left") {
    return "postfix:<!>(" ~ term ~ ")";

say(?"term"!);       # postfix:<!>(prefix:<?>(term)) (left associativity) (default)

While this pair associates to the right:

func prefix:<¿>(term) is assoc("right") {
    return term ~ " prefix:<?>";

func postfix:<¡>(term) is equal(prefix:<?>) is assoc("right") {
    return term ~ " postfix:<¡>";

say(¿"term"¡);       # prefix:<¿>(postfix:<¡>(term)) (right associativity)

Because "left" is the default associativity, both specifiers in the former example are unnecessary. The associativity for postfix:<¡> also doesn't need to be specified explicitly, since it was already specified for prefix:<¿> and all operators on a precedence level share the same associativity.

Default precedence

If you don't specify a precedence for your operator, it will get the tightest precedence for its category. For example, a new infix operator without a precedence specifier will get its own precedence level tighter than infix:<+> and friends. Further infix operators will get even tighter precedence levels.

A small exception happens for prefixes and postfixes: while you can make these have any relative precedence, the convention is that postfixes be tigher and prefixes be looser. (This is true for the precedence table of the built-in operators: postfix at the top, then prefix, then infix.) Alma tries to respect this convention by default; instead of making a new custom prefix maximally tight by default, it only makes it tighter than all other prefixes, but looser than all other postfixes.

Infixes form precedence levels of their own, apart from the prefixes and postfixes. Trying to relate the precedence of a prefix or postfix to that of an infix, or vice versa, leads to a compile-time error.

An example: Range

We can define operators that construct Range objects, using the class we defined earlier:

func infix:<..>(lhs, rhs) is looser(infix:<==>) {
    return Range(lhs, rhs);

func infix:<..^>(lhs, rhs) is equiv(infix:<..>) {
    return Range(lhs, rhs - 1);

func prefix:<^>(expr) {     # overrides the builtin
    return 0 ..^ expr;

🔮 Future feature: using custom iterable types in for loops

Now we can use ranges in for loops:

for 1..10 -> i { say(i) }
for ^100 { say("I shall never waste chalk again") }

Parsing concerns

In infix:<+>, the angle bracket symbols are a quoting construct to delimit the symbol of interest; the actual internal name is infix:+, but during parsing and stringification, it will always show up as infix:<+>.

If your operator symbol contains >, then you can use a backslash to escape the symbol: infix:<\>>. Another way to avoid ambiguity is to use different angle brackets: infix:«>». (This is Alma's default when it stringifies.)

If two or more operators could all match a given piece of text, then the rule is that the longest operator wins. This is regardless of the order in which they were defined, and regardless of their category.

3 +++ 4     # is there an infix:<+++>? then it wins
            # or maybe an postfix:<++> and an infix:<+>; then they win
              # ...EVEN if there were an infix:<+> and a prefix:<++>, since infix:<++> is longer
            # or maybe an infix:<+>, a prefix:<+>, and another prefix:<+>
              # (these are all built-in operators, so that's what happens by default)

Whitespace does not enter into consideration when the parser tries to determine whether something is an infix, prefix, or postfix. At least in this regard, Alma is whitespace-agnostic.

Given the above, if an infix and a postfix are defined with the exact same symbol, they would clash as soon as they were parsed. For this reason, if you try to install a postfix with the same symbol as an already installed infix, or vice versa, the compiler will give you an error. You'll get an error regardless of whether the already installed operator is a built-in or user-defined.


🔮 Future feature: modules

Modules have not been implemented yet in Alma. This whole chapter is a best-guess at how they will work.

Alma files can be run directly as scripts, or they can be imported from other Alma files as modules.

The purpose of modules is to break up a big program into multiple independent compilation units.

Example: Range as a module

Let's say we want to package up our Range class, and the custom operators that help construct ranges, as a module. That way, a user of our module will just be able to write this in their program:

import * from range;

From that point on for the rest of the block, all the things related to ranges will be lexically available.

for 2 .. 7 -> n {   # works because infix:<..> was imported

If we only wanted the infix:<..> operator, we could import only that:

import { infix:<..> } from range;

The range module is in fact a range.alma file in Alma's lib path. We'd write it with the same definition as before, except we also export them:

export class Range { ... }

export func infix:<..>(lhs, rhs) # ...
export func infix:<..^>(lhs, rhs) # ...
export func prefix:<^>(expr) # ...

Forms of import

There are three forms of the import statement.

The named import form lists all the names we want to declare in the current scope:

import { nameA, nameB, nameC } from some.module;

Each name imported counts as a declaration; importing and otherwise declaring the same name in the same scope is a compile-time error.

In the imported module, every export declaration exports an identifier, and together all the exported names make up the export list.

The star import form imports the entire export list into the current scope:

import * from some.module;

While this is convenient, it's also the only built-in construct in the language where you can't see from the syntactic form itself what names you're introducing into the scope.

Finally, the module object import creates a module object with all the names from the export list as properties:

import m from some.module;
# m now has m.nameA, m.nameB, m.nameC, etc.

Imports are not hoisted in Alma.

foo();  # won't work
import { foo } from some.module;

Forms of export

You're only allowed to export statements outside of any block in a module file.

There are two forms of export statement:

The exported declaration form is an export plus one of the declaration statements:

export my someVar ...;
export func foo(...) ...;
export macro moo(...) ...;
export class SomeClass ...;

Exactly as you'd think, this not only declares a new identifier in the local scope, but also exports it.

The export list form lists existing names to export:

export { nameA, nameB, nameC };

There can be several of these export statements in a module, but it's recommended to put one at the end.